Affording MSD

At MSD, we strive to make tuition levels as accessible and affordable as possible. As a non-profit independent school, we rely on tuition to support our educational model and we utilize tuition assistance to adjust our base tuition rate for families on a needs-basis. This year, we were pleased to offer $750,000 in tuition assistance to the MSD community – these funds are designed to help families begin and stay at Montessori School of Denver. There is no required income level to apply for aid at MSD.

The tuition and fee breakdown for 2025-2026 is coming soon! To view the tuition and fees for 2024-2025, please click here. As you review the tuition and fees and have questions about affordability, please submit the Tuition Assistance Info Request form to start the conversation.

Tuition Assistance (Financial Aid)

Our Tuition Assistance Application for 2025-2026 is now open! Tuition Assistance (TA) is available to new and continuing MSD students from Primary through 8th Grade. For instructions on how to apply, please submit the Tuition Assistance Info Request form. The First Priority Application Deadline is January 10, 2025. Applications received for continuing students will receive an aid offer when re-enrollment contracts are sent on January 24, 2025. For new students, aid offers will be sent with new student contracts beginning in February 2025. A completed tuition assistance application (with supporting documentation) is required to receive an aid offer.

Montessori School of Denver students make origami hearts for Beehives | MSD Admissions

MSD Programs

Click on the images below to learn more about MSD’s academic programs.

Montessori School of Denver Admissions to Toddler | Montessori Toddlers are 2-3 years old at MSD | MSD Toddler students plant, garden, and care for their environment


Ages 2-3
Our toddler village early learning environment is built for exploration and practical life skills; with a playground just their size, a garden area, and dedicated outdoor workspaces for each classroom. Learn more here.
Montessori School of Denver Admissions to Kindergarten and Primary Programs | Primary Sensorial and Math in a Montessori Classroom

Primary and Kindergarten

Ages 3-6
MSD Preschool and Kindergarten programs focus on helping students to make thoughtful choices, develop concentration, and engage in caring and purposeful interaction with their environment. Learn more here.

Lower Elementary

Ages 6-9, Grades 1-3
The MSD Lower Elementary program offers students a rich curriculum based on individual understanding that is challenging, collaborative, and interwoven with real world application. Learn more here.
Montessori School of Denver Admissions to Lower Elementary or Grades 1-3

Upper Elementary

Ages 9-11, Grades 4-5
MSD’s Upper Elementary program expands the rich curriculum to focus on confidence and achievement, reinforcing the importance of responsibility, service, ownership of knowledge, and integrity. Learn more here.
Montessori School of Denver Admissions to Upper Elementary School or Grades 4 and 5 | MSD Upper Elementary students tend to the urban farm and garden | care for environment
Montessori School of Denver Admissions to Middle School | Montessori Middle School Science

Middle School

Ages 11-14, Grades 6-8
We have designed every facet of our Middle School curriculum with smart, compassionate emphasis on social-emotional growth; strong, core academics; and a global education at the forefront. Learn more here.
Montessori School of Denver Specials Classes include Music and Theater among others | MSD Middle School students perform Willy Wonka Jr. for the MS Play | Montessori Middle School


MSD’s Specials program enriches the already robust Montessori curriculum and school culture, providing students a more rounded education. Specials classes are in addition to regular classroom studies and include physical education, music and theater, art, Spanish, library sciences, and handcraft. Our Urban Farm program is also part of our Specials program. Learn more here.