Montessori School of Denver
Shop & Support MSD
We have several ways that you can shop and help raise money for MSD.
MSD Store
Students are encouraged to wear their favorite MSD gear (and/or any teal and red clothing or accessories) every Friday and on Spirit Days!
Explore our fun new online store here for new t-shirts, hats, water bottles, and more! Have it sent home with your child.
King Soopers Community Rewards
King Soopers has recently replaced their reloadable card program with a new Community Rewards program that is connected to your Rewards Card (your discount card/ALT ID with King Soopers.) There is no cost to enroll in the program, and it’s easy to do!HERE’S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO GET YOUR REWARDS CARD ENROLLED:
- Log in to your King Soopers account online.
- Click on your profile icon at the top on the right and select “My Account.”
- On the left-hand side of the page, you will see “Community Rewards” Click on “Community Rewards” and “Find an Organization” will pop up. You can enter Montessori School of Denver, or enter TE494, and that will pull us up. Click enroll, and that’s it! We start earning rewards right away!
King Soopers will pay up to $125,000 per cycle to participating organizations based on their percentage of spending as it relates to the total spending of all participating King Soopers Community Rewards organizations.
- King Soopers limits contributions every quarter to a maximum contribution of $2.5 million, to be distributed among all participating and eligible organizations.
- The minimum quarter payout is $25 per organization. In the event that an organization earns less than $25 in a cycle, King Soopers will hold the amount until the next quarter that the reward exceeds $25 or until the end of the program term, whichever comes first.
- Your rewards check will be mailed within 30 days after the close of each quarter.