Montessori School of Denver
Educational Resources
Recommended Resources
For Small Hands A catalog to buy Montessori items for the home. Make sure to mention MSD when you order (school number: 115290).
Media Smarts
Center for Media Literacy
PBS: Digital Media Literacy
Kids Health: Internet Safety
Google Family Safety Center
Internet Safety Center
FBI: Parent’s Guide to Internet Safety
MSD Grief Resources
How Stuff Works
National Geographic Kids
How the iPhone Could Reboot Education
iPad a Solid Education Tool, Study Reports
iPad, I Saw, I Waited: The State of E-Textbooks
Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade
Are high-tech classrooms better classrooms?
The Day Montessori Met the iPhone
Educational Articles
The Parents Guide to Internet Safety, Security and Screen Time for Kids, Deconstructed Media, 2019
Online Teen Safety Guide,
Online Safety Resource Guide, Review Lab, 2016
Teaching Your Child Emotional Agility, New York Times, October 4, 2016
How the Montessori Method of learning creates better workers, Global Young Voices, September 15, 2016
Corporate Kindergarten: How A Montessori Mindset Can Transform Your Business, Forbes, December 16, 2015
How to Manage Media in Families, The New York Times, March 20, 2015
The Fuss About Montessori, The Montessori Group, March 17, 2014
I Can Do Hard Things, Maria Blog, March 7, 2014
7 Tech Innovators Who Became Wildly Successful After Going To Montessori School, Business Insider, March 4, 2014
The Future Of Education Was Invented In 1906, Forbes, January 22, 2014
Making The A-List At 50 Montessori Builds For The Future: Valley’s First Montessori School Celebrates 50 Years With A $7 Million Campus Expansion, Glendale Cherry Creek Chronicle, November 2013
Why We Are Wired to Connect, Scienctific American, October 22, 2013
Looking around: Creating a learning environment (even without a teacher), SmartBlog on Education, October 3, 2013
Montessori Classrooms: Observations through a Design Lens, by Heidi Newel Core77, Sept. 9, 2013
Montessori Management: Everything You Need to Run an Organization, The Genius in Children Blog, September 2013
The single most innovative concept in education is at least 100 years old, Quartz, May 30, 2013
Montessori Had It Right: We Learn By Doing,, April 24, 2013
What do P. Diddy, Sergey Brin, and Peter Drucker have in common? Briefings! Magazine, December 2012
PTA Offers Advice on Talking to Kids After Movie Shootings, Education Week Blog, July 20, 2012
Building Self-Control, the American Way, The New York Times, February 2012
Montessori: The Missing Voice in the Education Reform Debate, Huffington Post, January 2012
Why Do Some People Learn Faster? Wired Magazine, October 2011
Is Montessori The Origin Of Google & Amazon? Forbes Magazine, August 2011
Montessori Builds Innovators, Harvard Business Review, July 2011
The Montessori Mafia, The Wall Street Journal, April 2011
Don’t just stand there, think, Boston Globe, January 2008
Book Recommendations
- 5 Minds For the Future by Howard Gardner
- A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
- Blessings of a B- by Wendy Mogel
- Blessings of a Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel
- Blink by Malcolm Gladwell
- Cinderella Ate My Daughter by Peggy Orenstein
- Drive by Daniel Pink
- Family Matters by Rob Evans
- Global Achievement Gap by Dr. Tony Wagner
- Imagination, How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer
- Mindset by Carol Dweck
- Montessori at Home by Heidi Spietz
- Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius by Dr. Angelina Lillard
- NurtureShock by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryweather
- Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
- Queen Bee Moms and Kingpen Dads by Rosalind Wiseman
- Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain
- Raising Cain, It’s A Boy by Dr. Michael Thompson
- Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard by Dan and Chip Heath
- The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor
- The Motivation Breakthrough by Richard Lavoie
- The Pressured Child by Dr. Michael Thompson
- The Price of Privilege by Madeline Levine
- The Whole Brained Child by Daniel Siegel
Smart Videos
Montessori Kindergarten: Empowering & Essential
Learn why the Montessori kindergarten year—the third and final year of the Montessori Early Childhood cycle—is a foundation for life.
Temple Grandin: The World Needs All Kinds of Thinkers
Temple Grandin, PhD, scientist and autism activist, explains how different people learn in different ways and why we should embrace all kinds of thinking.
Montessori: Valuing Diversity with Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon, a Keynote speaker at the 2014 Annual Conference, discusses how teaching children to value diversity and accept differences can have a profound impact on society.
We All Have a Voice: Tobias Otting at TEDxCambridge 2014
Even at nine, fashion and lifestyle blogger Tobias Otting sees that everyone has a voice, but not everyone uses it. That’s a problem, he says, because if we don’t speak up, the future will just pass us by.
What Children Teach Us About Peace
John Hunter and the World Peace Game were at MSD the summer of 2013. It was an amazing opportunity for our teachers and students to work with John! John was also a keynote speaker at the AMS 2014 Annual Conference, and in this AMS video he shares his thoughts about peace education and how Maria Montessori’s ideals of the prepared environment and following the child can lead to new discoveries for students and educators alike.
Living Montessori: The Parent Perspective
Parents tell you, in their own words, what makes Montessori education special. Go “beyond 2+2” and see the difference that Montessori can make in your child’s life. Classroom footage captured at Princeton Montessori School in Princeton, NJ.
Living Montessori: Stephen Curry & Family
NBA superstar Stephen Curry, and his remarkable family, tell us how a Montessori education has helped shape their outlook on life in an exclusive interview, filmed at the Christian Montessori School at Lake Norman where Stephen’s mother, Sonya Curry, is the head of school.
Kid President’s Pep Talk to Teachers and Students!
A Peek Inside a Montessori Classroom
Shawn Achor: What is the Happiness Advantage?
Ken Robinson: Schools kill creativity
Ken Robinson: The Element
Ken Robinson: Changing Education Paradigms
Three great talks by Sir Ken Robinson, who makes entertaining and profoundly moving cases for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.
Daniel Pink: Drive
This is a great illustration of Pink’s motivation 3.0 theory.
Google Founders Talk Montessori
Mark Bezos: A life lesson from a volunteer firefighter
Trevor Eissler: “Montessori Madness!”
Trevor is the author of Montessori Madness, who we hosted for a Parent Education evening during 2010-2011. This video is a great illustration of part of his engaging talk.
Dr. Tony Wagner: 7 Skills Students Need for their Future
Dan Meyer: Math class needs a makeover
Think different
Riveting Talks by Remarkable People!
How a Cell is Like a School, by MSD Alum Xander Imhof