Lower Elementary Program
(ages 6-9, grades 1-3)
Students in our Elementary School Program, attend school from 8:30 to 3:00.
The MSD Lower Elementary Program provides a strong academic continuum for the intellectually curious student. Our Montessori Elementary classrooms foster independence of thought and a love of learning through the core Montessori principles of:
- Hands-on learning and individualized learning within a multi-age classroom setting
- Freedom to roam within the classroom and through the curriculum
- Robust curriculum spanning a three-year cycle of learning is rooted in Montessori and enriched by student and teacher areas of passion and interest
- Trained Montessori educators to guide each student’s learning process
- Focus on the care and development of self, others, and the learning environment
This engaging Elementary program instills in children a love of learning through a variety of teaching methods and independent exploration and experimentation. Concepts continue to be introduced through concrete materials until a student demonstrates that they are capable of more abstract understanding. Classroom projects are often inquiry-based, requiring the children to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways. All of this good work is going on while each child is being met where they are in their educational journey. With a deep commitment to honoring the gifts and needs of each individual student, children are free to learn at their own pace and take ownership of their learning.
Come see for yourself what happens when you combine an integrated Montessori curriculum, an aesthetically pleasing classroom environment, and a respectful community. (Hint! All of these factors create a joyful learning environment that primes children for success.)
When you’re ready to speak to someone in Admissions and schedule a tour, be sure to fill out an Inquiry Form. We can’t wait to meet you!
Upper Elementary Program
(ages 9-11, grades 4-5)
Building upon the foundational learning of the Lower Elementary program, Upper Elementary students are poised and ready to apply their knowledge to make deeper connections in their learning and dive deep into areas of interest. Maturity and the development of abstract reasoning skills allow students to explore new aspects of their interaction with the learning environment, peers, and the curriculum. The Upper Elementary Montessori classroom provides students with:
- Rich curriculum based on 4th and 5th grade standards, which are interwoven for dynamic understanding, personal interest, and real world application
- Montessori trained Instructors reach students as the individual learners that they are, while creating significant opportunities for collaborative work in the classroom
- Social Emotional Learning, conflict resolution, and development of self are delivered and experienced each and every day through lessons, forums, and day-to-day interactions
- Dynamic classroom environments that allow for freedom of movement, choice, and independence
- Semester-long intensive studies in specific global skills which include Technology, Global Citizenship, Environmental Stewardship, and Entrepreneurship
The MSD Upper Elementary learning environment is experiential, socially interactive, challenging, collaborative, reflective, and student-centered. Students learn the social cognition skills necessary to build a classroom community that is supportive, inclusive and respectful of individual ideas and learning. Overall, the program promotes confidence and achievement, reinforcing the importance of responsibility, service, ownership of knowledge, and integrity.
Come see for yourself what a community of students who are responsible for their own learning in a healthy and caring community looks like! Please fill out an Inquiry Form. We hope to meet you soon!

“Our teachers are outstanding- the best I’ve ever seen and we feel incredibly fortunate that they taught our child. They care so deeply about their students and are committed, knowledgeable, and loving. MSD is an awesome school- we truly love it.”

“We are delighted with our daughter’s change in attitude about school, and I credit it all to the Montessori School of Denver. She learned wonderful relationship skills and problem-solving skills at MSD, and has maturity beyond her peers when it comes to making good decisions and seeing a situation objectively. You are doing great things. Thank you for making a lifelong difference for our daughter.”

“The past couple of years, when I would pick my daughter up from her former school, I would ask, “How was your day? Good, great or awesome” Her answer would always be, “None. I didn’t have a good day.” It was always something; a bullying issue, boredom or frustration with teachers. Now, at MSD the answer has been, “Awesome!” I am so relieved that I made the right decision to move her when I did.”